The Census has made a very nice
API for data scientists to access their data tables. The
package will help R users access this API in a
convenient and R-like way.
The API works by sending a specially-formatted URL to the the Census API server, which returns an XML or JSON document containing the requested information. In practice, any table available on American FactFinder is available through the API, though the user will need to find the raw name for the variable in the Census API guide.
These instructions are modified from hadley’s API best practices documentation.
Users of this package will need to request an API key, which is available for free from the Census Bureau on request. Go to to register. Copy this token to your clipboard.
Identify your home directory. If you are not sure what it is,
enter normalizePath("~/")
in an R session. If in RStudio,
use the R console.
Create a new text file. If in RStudio, do File > New File > Text file.
Create a line like this:
where the name CENSUS_TOKEN
reminds you which API this
is for and blahblahblahblahblahblah
is your token, pasted
from the clipboard. Make sure the last line in the file is empty. (If it
is not empty, R will silently fail to load the file. If you’re using an
editor that shows line numbers, there should be two lines, where the
second one is empty.)
. If questioned, YES you do want to use a filename
that begins with a dot .
.Note that by default dotfiles are usually hidden. But within RStudio,
the file browser will make .Renviron
visible and therefore
easy to edit in the future.
Restart R. .Renviron
is processed only at the start
of an R session.
Use Sys.getenv()
to access your token. For
FAQ: Why define this environment variable via .Renviron
instead of in .bash_profile
or .bashrc
Because there are many combinations of OS and ways of running R where
the .Renviron
approach “just works”” and the bash stuff
does not. When R is a child process of, say, Emacs or RStudio, you can’t
always count on environment variables being passed to R. Put them in an
R-specific start-up file and save yourself some grief.
The package works by sending a list of requested variables and a list
of geographies. The call below requests the number of households owning
0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 or more vehicles in Wake County, North Carolina
(geoid = 37183
). We specify that we want this table for
2012 5-year summary level.
paste("B08201_", sprintf("%03d", 2:6), "E", sep = ""),
names = c(0:4), geoids = "37183",
data_source = "acs", year = 2012, period = 5)
We can use the allgeos
argument to say that we actually
want these variables for all census tracts within Wake
est <- call_census_api(
paste("B08201_", sprintf("%03d", 2:6), "E", sep = ""),
names = paste0("est_", c(0:4)), geoids = "37183", allgeos = "tr",
data_source = "acs", year = 2012, period = 5)
If we want the margins of error on this table instead of the
estimates, we can change the variable to call the M
instead of the E